Apple Extract

  • Product name: Apple Extract
  • Botanical name: Malus pumila
  • Part used: Fruit
  • Active ingredients: Polyphenols, Phlorizin
  • Specifications: 70%Polyphenols; 80%, 98%Phlorizin

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  • Apple Extract
Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder
Product describtion
      Apple Extract is extracted from apple fruit. Apple polyphenols are phytochemicals concentrated in the skin of unripe apples. Quercetin, procyanidins, catechins, phloridzin, phloretin, epicatechin, rutin, and chlorogenic acid are all apple polyphenols. These chemical compounds are being studied extensively in labs around the world for their health effects in major diseases.

      Apple polyphenols have been shown to be 2 to 6 times more powerful then Vitamin C as antioxidants. Apple polyphenols are naturally occurring plant compounds that act as potent antioxidants.

1. Slow the growth of cancer cells and tumors and promote cancer cell death. Prevent skin, breast and colon cancer, and lower the risk of colon and lung cancer;


2. Effect against external aging by promoting the health of skin cells and rejuvenation. Effect the Internal aging by promoting organ health, destroying the free radicals and strengthening fibers;


3. Reduce the number of atherosclerotic lesions in arteries, the amount of cholesterol produced in the liver and uric acid content in the blood.

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