Butterbur Extract

  • Product name: Butterbur extract 
  • Botanical name: Petasites hybridus/P. japonicus
  • Part used: Herb
  • Specification: 15%Petasin;12:1
  • Active ingredients: Petasin

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  • Butterbur Extract
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Product describtion
Butterbur is an herb. People use the leaf, root, and bulb to make medicine. Some butterbur preparations contain chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), which can damage the liver and cause other serious harm. Only butterbur products that are certified and labeled “PA-free” should be used.Butterbur contains chemicals that might relieve spasms and decrease swelling (inflammation).
Butterbur is used for pain, upset stomach, stomach ulcers,migraine and other headaches, ongoing cough, chills, anxiety, plague, fever,trouble sleeping (insomnia), whooping cough,asthma, hay fever, and for irritable bladder and urinary tract spasms. Butterbur is also used to stimulate the appetite.Some people apply butterbur to the skin to improve wound healing.

Petasin is responsible for the antispasmodic properties of the plant by reducing ; spasms in smooth muscle and vascular walls, in addition to providing an anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting leukotriene synthetics. Petasin has also been found to be treat migraine headache, asthma , bronchitis. Butterbur has also been used for cough ; urination and stomach problems.

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