cistanche extract

  • Product name: Cistanche Extract
  • Botanical name: cistanche tubulosa, cistanche deserticola
  • Part used: Dried stem
  • Active ingredients : Phenylethanoid glycosides (UV-vis), Verbascoside (HPLC), Echinacoside (HPLC)

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  • cistanche deserticola
  • cistanche tubulosa
Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder
Product describtion
Cistanche Extract is extracted from cistanche tubulosa and cistanche deserticola stem.

Cistanche has been used as a medicine for about 1800 years and is recorded in the Shennong Bencao Jing and Bencao Gangmu as a tonic. Cistanche deserticola is the primary source of the Chinese traditional medicine cistanche (Chinese: 肉苁蓉, pinyin ròucōngróng). Now, The main sources of cistanche are Cistanche deserticola and Cistanche tubulosa, especially cistanche tubulosa .

Cistanche Extract has been widely used in health food, functional food, medicine, etc.

Cistanche Extract can meet European PAHS and Asian PAEs phthalates.

1. Low cholesterol activity;
2. Improve immunity;
3. Anti-fatigue;
4. Enhance learning and memory;
5. Improve sexual function.
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