dandelion extract

  • Product name: Dandelion Extract
  • Botanical name: Taraxacum officinale
  • Part used: Dried herb

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  • dandelion
Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder
Product describtion
Dandelion extract is from dried dandelion herb. Dandelion extract contains chemicals whose biological activities are actively being explored for roles in human health. In particular, evidence suggests that dandelion contains antioxidant and redness-resistant compounds.

Dandelion extract has been used since ancient times for its healthful properties and support for liver complaints.  In Korean herbal medicine, dandelion has been used to improve energy levels and health. It is generally accepted by many people in Mexico, and elsewhere in the world, that beneficial effects are available in natural plants. Indeed, research has shown that compounds in plants have pharmacokinetic effects. Dandelion extract long speculated to have antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties, is one such plant.

Dandelion extract is pure natural, it is widely used in supplement, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, health food and functional food, and can meet PAHs & PAEs.

1. It has support for liver complaints;

2. It can improve energy levels and health;

3. It has antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties;

4. It affects antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid profiles

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