Dracocephalum Extract

  • Product name: Dracocephalum Extract
  • Botanical name: Dracocephalum thymiflorum
  • Part used: Herb

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  • Dracocephalum Extract
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Product describtion
Dracocephalum mainly contains volatile oil, terpenes, flavonoids, amino acids, trace elements and so on. The main components of volatile oil are limonene 25%-50%, geraniol about 30%, nerol about 7%, citronellol about 4%, thymol about 0.23%, and contain terpenes and sesquiterpenes. The content of citral is the highest in the initial fruit stage, and the citral content is the highest in the ripening stage. Flavonoids have vanilla glycosides, and a small amount of carotene, etc.

1.Clearing the lungs and relieving the surface

2. Cooling the liver to stop bleeding

3,It is used for colds, headaches, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, jaundice, vomiting blood, dysentery, heart disease, neurasthenia and rabies bites.

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