fo-ti extract

  • Product name: fo-ti extract
  • Botanical name: polygonum multifloru
  • Part used: Root
  • Active ingredients: No test

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  • polygonum multiflorum
  • he shou wu root
  • he shou wu herb
  • fo ti stem dried
  • fo ti powder
Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder
Product describtion
Fo-ti (Chinese: he shou wu, latin name: Polygonum multiflorum) is a species of Fallopia native to central and southern China.
He Shou Wu is a herbaceous perennial vine growing to 2–4 m tall from a woody tuber. The leaves are 3–7 cm long and 2–5 cm broad, broad arrowhead-shaped, with an entire margin. The flowers are 6–7 mm diameter, white or greenish-white, produced on short, dense panicles up to 10–20 cm long in summer to mid autumn. The fruit is an achene 2.5–3 mm long.
In traditional Chinese medicine, it as having anti-aging properties. the root is used to treat greying hair, among other indications.
1. Fo-ti extract is used to protect hepatic.
2. Fo-ti extract is used to treat constipation;
3. Fo-ti extract is used to anti-aging properties;
4. Fo-ti extract is used to treat alopecia & premature graying of hair;
5. Free sample. Kosher, Halal.
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