Horse Chestnut Extract

  • Product name: Horse Chestnut Extract
  • Botanical name: Aesculus chinensis
  • Part used: Seed
  • Active ingredients: aescin

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  • Horse Chestnut Extract
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Product describtion
Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a large, round-shaped tree growing to about 25-30 metres in height. Horse chestnut is also known as Rosskastanien, Buckeye, Chestnut, Escine, Hippocastani Cortex, Hippocastani Flos, Hippocastini folium, Hippocastani Semen, Marron Europeen, Marron dInde, or Spanish chestnut.
Aescin or escin is a mixture of saponins with anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and vasoprotective effects found in Aesculus hippocastanum (the horse chestnut). Aescin is the main active compound in horse chestnut, and is responsible for most of its medicinal properties.
1.It has anti-inflammatory health effects.
2.makes veins strong and flexible, improves blood flow through veins. It inhibits an enzyme responsible for breaking down vessel walls rendering them enlarged and inefficient.
3.Diminish varicose veins.
4.Heal hemorrhoids.
5.Reduce edema.
6.It can increase the skin gloss and slow down skin aging.
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