kacip fatimah extract

  • Product name: kacip fatimah extract
  • Botanical name: labisia pumila
  • Part used: Leaf
  • Active ingredients: No test

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  • labisia pumila
  • labisia pumila herb
  • kacip fatimah photo
  • labisia pumila powder
Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder
Product describtion
kacip fatimah (Botanical name:Labisia pumila ) is a flowering plant in the Primulaceae family native to Malaysia. Labisia pumila is a small, woody and leafy plant with leaves of 20 cm (7.9 in) in length, and grows widely in the shade of the tropical forest floor.
In traditional Malay medicine, kacip fatimah is believed to have benefits relating to women's health.
kacip fatimah extract is consumed as a drink or used as a herbal bath. The traditional uses of the plant include easing of childbirth, as a post-partum medication to contract the birth channel, regulation of the menstrual cycle, and alleviation of menstrual symptoms. kacip fatimah extract extract has been formulated for consumption in capsule and tablet form. While Labisia has a reputation in the Malay community to be the herb for women, its counterpart for men is the Tongkat Ali.
Kacip fatimah extract is used in easing of childbirth, as a post-partum medication to contract the birth channel, regulation of the menstrual cycle, alleviation of menstrual symptoms;make beauty;and improve sexual function.
Fine powder, food grade, Kosher, Halal, GMO free, Wild & natural.
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