rhodiola extract

  • Product name: Rhodiola Extract
  • Botanical name: Rhodiola rosea, Rhodiola crenulata
  • Part used: Dried root
  • Active ingredients : Rosavins (Rosavin, Rosarin, Rosin), Salidroside (HPLC)

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  • rhodiola crenulata
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Product describtion
Rhodiola Extract is extracted from rhodiola Rosea, rhodiola crenulata root.

Rhodiola is a perennial flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae, it is native to the arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and Alaska. It has a long history of use as a medicinal plant in Iceland, Sweden, France, Russia, and Greece. Now, rhodiola Rosea, rhodiola crenulata have been widely used.

The content of rhodiola rosea are Rosavins (Rosavin, Rosarin, Rosin), Salidroside, but rhodiola crenulata is only salidroside.

Rhodiola Extract has been widely used in Functional food, medicine, cosmetics, etc.

Rhodiola Extract can meet European PAHS and Asian PAEs phthalates.

Increase physical endurance

Resistance to high-altitude sickness;

Withstanding ultraviolet and radiation effects;

Prevention and adjuvant treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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