soy isoflavones

  • Product name: Soy Isoflavones
  • Botanical name: Glycine max
  • Part used: Bean
  • Active ingredients: Isoflavones,Genistein, Daidzein

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  • soybean plant
  • soy beans
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Product describtion
Soy isoflavones are naturaly present in the soy bean. The soy bean (Glycine max) has been known to man kind in its original area, Asia for 5000 years. 
Main components of soybean are proteins, soy bean oil and carbohydrates. They are healthy components but the soy isoflavones are responsible for many of health benefits. Dried soy beans contain about 200 mg soy isoflavones per 100 g soy beans.The most important soy isoflavones are daidzein and genistein.
Soy Isoflavones have potent antioxidant properties, comparable to that of the well known antioxidant vitamin E. The antioxidant powers of isoflavones can reduce the long-term risk of cancer by preventing free radical damage to DNA. Genistein is the most potent antioxidant among the soy isoflavones, followed by daidzein.
1. Prevent & treat menopause symptoms;
2. Reduce heart disease risk;
3. Enhance bone health,especially woman;
4. Reduce cancer risk;
5. Protect against prostate problems;
6. Food grade, free sample, pure nature, in stock.
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