tongkat ali extract

  • Product name: tongkat ali extract
  • Botanical name: eurycoma longifolia
  • Part used: Root
  • Active ingredients : Eurycomanone (HPLC)

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  • eurycoma longifolia
  • eurycoma longifolia plant
  • tongkat ali herb
  • tongkat ali powder
Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder
Product describtion
Eurycoma longifolia (commonly called tongkat ali or pasak bumi) is a flowering plant in the family Simaroubaceae, native to Indonesia, Malaysia, and, to a lesser extent, Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos.
Tongkat ali has been traditionally used for its antimalarial, aphrodisiac, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, and antipyretic activities.
Some new evidence suggests tongkat ali might have some role in boosting sperm quality.
Tongkat ali extract is used in antimalarial, aphrodisiac, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antipyretic activities, and boosting sperm quality.
Origin: Malaysia

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