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Against rheumatism, Sarsaparilla Root Extract powder


 Sarsaparilla root extract powder (Smilax china L.) deciduous climbing shrub-like plant morphology. Stems slender hard,sparse spines. Leaves alternate, flowering young leaves; leathery or papery, shiny, oval bang oval, long 2.5 ~ 13cm, width of 2.1 ~ 10cm, apex rounded or with convex head, base rounded or shallowly cordate, following micro pale; petiole length 5 ~ 15cm, sides with tendrils, the lower was the sheath shape. Axillary umbels; flowers unisexual, tepals 6, yellow or yellow-green; stamens 6 male; female with 6 staminodes, ovary superior. Berry spherical, pink when cooked. Flowering from April to May.

 Sarsaparilla root extract powder (Smilax china L.) was popular in the United States in the 19th century. According to advertisements for patent medicines of the period, it was considered to be a remedy for skin and blood problems.

 In China, In the records of 400 years ago, "sarsaparilla" for medicinal purposes, and only contained in the Han Dynasty. Folk said medicinal "sarsaparilla" as Jingangteng, has its roots powder(Sarsaparilla root extract powder) against rheumatism and dampness, detoxification stasis effect.

 Sarsaparilla root extract powder (Smilax china L), also known as Jingangteng, Liliaceae Smilax is a perennial deciduous climbing shrub, medicinal its roots(Sarsaparilla root extract powder). The present study for the treatment of against rheumatism, there is a good effect.

 Because more and more people pursue green and healthy lifestyle, the plant extract powder industry has developed rapidly.Sarsaparilla root extract is one of them. Sarsaparilla root extract powder (Smilax china L.)can against rheumatism and dampness, detoxification swelling. Rhizome: rheumatism, joint pain, bruises, gastroenteritis, dysentery, indigestion, diabetes, Chyluria, vaginal discharge, cancer; leaves: topical treatment carbuncle boils boils, burns.