Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder

Agaricus Blazei Extract Powder


In recent years, agaricus blazei rapidly rise in Japan, its scientific name agaricus blazei murrill, some of the direct selling industry who called Brazil agaricus, had its origin in the outskirts of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, Piedade mountains.
The Japanese found it have a marked effect of anti-cancer and enhancing the body immunity , and thus they developed many agaricus blazei health food.

It has a very attractive prospect of using agaricus blazei’s fruiting body, mycelia, fermentation broth extract and made various formulations of anti-cancer drugs. agaricus blazei extract powder is usually extracted from agaricus blazei fruit body, the active ingredient is 10%-50%Polysaccharides, tested by UV-vis with fine yellow powder.

Currently, the United States has made agaricus blazei fruiting body powder capsule available, the price is very high. In Japan, Mexico and other places, it has been the using for the treatmentof cancer in hospitals. Japan International Institute of Health Sciences, director of Mr. Okamoto said: “Agaricus blazei is cancer patients final food on Earth ."

Agaricus blazei extract powder is rich in selenium species and tumor suppressor substance which can enhance human immunity and have a good effect of nutritional supplement for special needs.

Agaricus blazei extract powder can promote human bone marrow hematopoietic function: by improving the inhibition of chemotherapy on bone marrow function, the peripheral hemoglobin concentration, platelet and white blood cell count tends to normal, while the tumor cells inhibited, long-term use can consolidate health.

Agaricus blazei extract powder has a protective effect on liver and kidney, and it can be long-term use.

Because of these effects, agaricus blazei caused great concern in the health sector in Japan even in the whole world.. Nowadays, it has been widely used in patients.