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Brief Introduction—Chaga Extract


Preparations made from chaga mushroom can be used for the enhancing of host defenses and health improvement of patients during their treatment against various acute and chronic infectious and non-infectious diseases, including cancer. In Russia, chaga products are often being applied to cancer patients as a combined therapy for correction of secondary immune-deficiency states. There are scientific observations conducted by Russian medical scientists proving that chaga is also very effective in treatment of diabetes of type II.


Chaga's purifying and healing properties have been known in Russia since 12th century. According to chronicles the Russian prince Vladimir Monomakh got rid of lip cancer thanks to chaga mushroom. Nowadays many people in Siberia still brew and drink Chaga mushroom tea instead of usual black tea or coffee. It's been noticed that in areas where people regularly drink chaga tea, the rate of cancerous diseases among local folk is much lower than in other regions. Stomach problems among local population are almost unheard of. Many people who drink chaga tea or chaga extract on regular basis usually look much younger for their true age and live very long, some over 100 years.

In terms of medical value chaga mushroom is a primary adaptogen, cancer fighter, immune system modulator, antitumor agent, liver cleaner, gastrointestinal tonifier, longevity tonic and genoprotective agent (DNA-shielding). Chaga is able to lower blood sugar very quickly: maximum decrease of serum glucose level can be observed in 1,5-3 hours after taking chaga extract and the blood sugar level drops for 15,8-29,9 %. Also, we have numerous positive reports from our customers about quick decrease of the symptoms of gastritises and ulcer (pain, heartburn, constipation).

The most important feature of chaga mushroom that makes it outstanding from the rest of medicinal mushrooms is that it contains a complex of antioxidant pigments (chromogens) not found in any other mushrooms. This is the most significant attribute of chaga mushroom distinguishing it from the rest of mushrooms! And anticancer properties of chaga are now being attributed exactly to its chromogenic complex (complex of humic acids). Chaga also contains polysaccharids, polyphenols, alkalines, phytonutrients, beta-glucans, organic acids and many important minerals and microelements such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, chrom and many others. Chaga also posseses high level of melanin that protects DNA and fights radiation by activating a pineal gland.

Has a positive effect against various cancers and tumors.
Calms the nervous system
Is proven to positively affect various stomach diseases and ulcers
Actively stimulates immune system
Helps to reduce blood sugar and fight diabetes

In Russia, chaga mushroom extract was approved as a supplementary mean for prevention and treatment of cancer by the Moscow Medical Academy of Science back in 1955. It has been defined that preparations from chaga can be applied as an active biogenic stimulators which increase host defences, stimulate central nervous and neurohumoral system (chaga increases activity of estrogens), improve metabolism including activation of metabolism in cerebral tissue, regulate activity of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, stimulate the homogeny (increase the level of leukocytes), poses antipyretic properties by internal and local application, strengthen cytostatic activity of antitumorigenic preparations, detains tumor growth, causes their gradual regression and slows down the development of metastases. Please note, that chaga extract is much more potent than raw chaga and the latter is not suitable for treatment.