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Ginger extract powder


Ginger extract powder is extracted from the ginger root. The main ingredient is gingerol, ginger, phellandrene, citral, linalool and the like; and spicy ingredients containing ginger, ginger ketone decomposition, ginger ketene.
Ginger extract powder has many function on people.Ginger extract powder can inhibit tumor effect and anti-age. They can help old people get rid of "age spots."
In hot temperatures, people eat some ginger extract can have an efeects on exciting, sweating, cooling, refreshing and so on. For general heat performance, such as dizziness, palpitations, chest tightness, nausea and other circumstances of the patient, the appropriate drink is helpful. Traditional Chinese medicine heatstroke - Dan to contain ginger ingredients, its role is to stomach, refreshing, refreshing.
Research found that ginger extract can play a role of some antibiotics, especially Salmonella better results. In hot temperatures, food susceptible to bacterial contamination, and growth and reproduction of fast, easy to cause acute gastroenteritis, moderate eating may play a preventive role. Ginger extract has significantly inhibit fungal skin and vaginal trichomoniasis backing kill efficacy, can cure a variety of carbuncle swollen sore. In addition, treatment of bad breath can be used ginger water gargle and periodontitis.
Eating ginger extract can prevent nausea and stop vomiting, if there is some movement caused by the "movement maladaptive disorder," eating some canget eased. Studies have shown that ginger root powder has an active effect on headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by exercise-induced, and lasts more than four hours. Folk used to eat ginger extract powder to avoid anti-motion sickness, seasickness. Having a significant effect, thus the ginger extract ppowder is called "the killer to vomition" .