Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder

Resveratrol;Grape Skin Extract Powder


As we all know, French always eat foods contained high-fat and lots of cholesterol,the average cholesterol content in French is not less than other countries, but the proportion of French who died in coronary heart disease is the lowest, only 60% of the US. Why? The reason is that French often drink grape wine, and per capita wine consumption ranks first in the world.
Why is there such a magical power of grape wine? The secret is---- Resveratrol.
Grape skin extract powder resveratrol is the natural antioxidants which can delay aging and prevent cancer. It is rich in grape skin and grape juice. Studies have shown that the integrity of the chromosome will be destructed as human aging, while resveratrol can activate a repair chromosome healthy protein sirtuin, which play a role in delaying aging.
Grape skin extract powder resveratrol is a polyphenolic compounds, mainly from grapes (red wine), giant knotweed, peanuts, mulberries and other plants.
In the filed of plant extract powder, It is mainly extracted from giant knotweed and grape skin.

As to resveratrol from giant knotweed, 98% is pharmaceutical grade which is off white powder, while 20%, 30%,50% of it is usually used in food field which is yellow powder. While as to natural resveratrol from grape skin, the regular specification is 5%.

Besides delay aging and prevent cancer, researchers in the study found that grape skin extract powder resveratrol can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer.

As grape skin extract powder resveratrol has a variety of biological and pharmacological activity, it is widely used in food, medicine, health products, cosmetics and other fields. It has excellent pharmacological activity and health function, Grape skin extract powder resveratrol market demand is getting larger.  In the pass days, most countries and regions have already developed resveratrol products. The United States has already use it as a dietary supplement, Japan has made it as a food additive, China has use it as a health food which can lipid-lower and skin care.