Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder

Graviola Fruit Extract Powder


Graviola fruit is rich in nutrition and high-calorie, you can effectively add strength, and can beautify the skin, added strength, clean the blood, health and strong bones and prevent scurvy, enhance immunity, cancer. Since in ancient times it is called the finest supplements with high nutritional value.
Graviola fruit is rich in "Annona lactone" and it has a strong anti-tumor activity, so the graviola fruit is known as the "anti-tumor star." Japanese believe that graviola fruitcontains much vitamin C in the world.
Graviola fruit extract powder is alsocalled soursop extract and guanabana extract. They are extrated from graviola fruit. It has many functions for people.
Since 1970, experts have been made more than 20 studies on Graviola fruit extract powder. The results showed that Graviola fruit extract powder can be effectively against 12 types of malignant cancer cells, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
Meanwhile, Graviola fruit extract powder also has anti-fungal and anti-parasitic effect. In addition, it also helps regulating blood pressure, also an antidepressant and broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Graviola fruit extract powder contains many mineral material, so they can promote muscle contraction and maintain neuromuscular stress.