Extract Powder
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Fruit Powder

Instant Oolong tea extract powder


Oolong(Chinese name:wūlóng) is a traditional Chinese tea (Camellia sinensis) produced through a unique process including withering the plant under the strong sun and oxidation before curling and twisting. Instant Oolong tea extract powder is good solubility in water, spray-dried powder with mellow taste, pure & typical roast fragrance of Oolong tea, the liquor is clear yellow and brown when soluble in 60°C water, Tea polyphenols is NLT 30%, Polyphenol in oolong tea is effective in controlling obesity, it activates the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving triglyceride. It has been confirmed that the continuous intake of oolong tea contributes to enhancing the function of fat metabolism and to controlling obesity.

Instant Oolong tea extract powder is the extract from tea leaf, it is extracted through high-tech means to extract the active ingredients in tea, and extracted scientific blending component form. Instant Oolong tea extract powder is main applied in food field, it is mainly used in kinds of beverage, liquor and foods to enhance human immunity and anti-aging.

The functions of instant Oolong tea extract powder:
1. Oolong tea extract powder is to be used to lose weight;
2. Oolong tea extract powder is to be used to prevent cancer;
3. Oolong tea extract powder is to be used to prevent radiation;
4. Oolong tea extract powder is to be used to anti-inflammatory.