Extract Powder
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Fruit Powder

Maca Extract Powder - 100% Pure Natural Food


Maca extract powder is extracted from the raw material maca. We manufaturer lean up the maca, then place the ready maca in extraction tank, after extraction, concentration, and dusting. We can get the main active ingredient ecdysing hormone over 0.5%. This ingredient are mainly used to improve the immunity of the human body, quickly restore strength and eliminate fatigue and without any side effects.
Maca is not a medicine nor sex tonic, but a natural food. International botanist and medical experts long-term study found that Maca extract powder contains four alkaloids, glucosinolates, vitamins such as proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, minerals and a variety of natural plant active ingredients. These ingredients have been shown to correlate with Maca anti-fatigue, depression, enhance fertility, endocrine related. Recent studies have also found that it contains two unique plant active ingredient - glucosinolates (Glucosinolates): Maca Maca amide and ene. And it is the substance of these substances improve sexual function.
For men, maca extract powder have four main functions: 1, Anti-fatigue, increase energy, stamina - Maca in amino acids, minerals zinc, taurine and other ingredients can significantly against fatigue.
2, Improve sexual function, increase sperm count and improve sperm motility - the unique biologically active substances Maca-ene, Maca amide, which will help erectile function, improve sperm count and active capacity.
3, Regulate the endocrine system, balance hormones - more Maca extract powder alkaloids act on the hypothalamus and pituitary, regulating adrenal gland, pancreas, testes, and other functions, to balance hormone levels.
4, Kidney impotence, impotence, premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, a new generation of delay, pure plant extracts, the magic of medicinal plants - Maca (MACA) natural Viagra.
For women, macaetract powder have these two functions: 1, Endocrine regulation against menopause - Maca extract ppowder alkaloids can regulate the adrenal glands, pancreas, ovarian, and other functions, balance the body's hormone levels, rich in taurine, protein, etc. can recuperate and repair physiological function, improve blood and relieve menopausal symptoms.
2, Enhance immune function, anti-fatigue, anti-anemia - Maca extract powder contains higher amounts of iron, protein, amino acids, minerals and zinc can help strong immune system, enhance the body's resistance to disease, fight fatigue and improve symptoms of anemia.