Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder

High quality products Luo han guo Extract



The sweetness of Luo han guo has been attributed to the mogrosides V and VI, in addition to glucose and fructose. Mogroside V (esgoside) is the most abundant. Concentrations of mogroside V vary in the range of 0.81% to 1.29%, depending on the anatomical part of the fruit. Luo han guo has been used for centuries in China and in Southeast Asia for its sweet flavor and medicinal properties. Historic writings record Song Dynasty monks brewing it as a medicinal beverage more than 800 years ago. The dried fruit has been used as an ingredient in soup or stew to prevent symptoms of long-term conditions or for ongoing treatment.

1. Heat stroke with thirst: Take one fruit, break it open and stir into boiled water. Drink the liquid in place of tea.
2. Acute or chronic throat inflammation; aphonia. Take half a fruit and 3-5 seeds of sterculia. Cover with water and simmer, then swallow very slowly.
3. Chronic cough. Take 1 piece of fruit, cover with water, simmer, and drink the liquid. Do this twice each day.
4. Constipation in the aged. Take 2 pieces of fruit, obtain the juicy part and the seed (put the shell aside for other uses), break apart, cover with water, and simmer. Drink before going to bed.
5. Diabetes. Take an appropriate measure of the fruit and crush it or simmer it into a thick juice and add to food being prepared, using it as a substitute for sugar.