Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder

100% Natural whitening products Grape seed extract (HOT)


    Grape seed extract is one of the most effective antioxidants ever discovered plant origin, in vivo and in vitro tests showed that grape seed extract "proanthocyanidins OPC" antioxidant effect, 50 to 70 times the vitamin C and vitamin E. Super antioxidant with free radical scavenging efficiency, improve the strength of the effect of the human immune system. Grape seed extract (Grape Seed Extract) is rich in bioflavonoids, is a potent essence molecules used against free radicals (radicals) and maintenance of health of capillaries. (Free radicals are one of the major causes of aging and many diseases, with estimates that about 80% -90% of the aging, degenerative diseases are associated with free radicals, so that grape seed extract on human antioxidant, improve immunity there are excellent results.
Previous studies have shown that eating vegetables and fruits helps to suppress the development of cancer, flavonoids and grape seed extract can kill cancer cells, so some tumor smaller. Shi Xianglin use of grape seed extract, using different doses against leukemia cells and found that the higher the dose, the more the leukemia cell death, but does not affect healthy cells.
    Proanthocyanidins after 30 years of research, development, and its superior antioxidant activity has approval for people, which has been significant progress in the microcirculation and treatment of eye diseases, and other drugs are widely used in the field of cosmetics; its resource-rich, efficacy, side effects of small features. He not only in Europe, Japan and much green flavor in recent years has swept the United States. Foreshadowed proanthocyanidins broad prospects in medical applications and the like.