Extract Powder
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Fruit Powder

Potential Health Benefits—Glucomannan Konjac Extract


Konjac glucomannan (KGM)is white in appearance due to processing. Konjac flour is used as a raw material, alcohol is used to purify the powder and remove starches, ash, cellulose, pigments, alkaloids, and other impurities; ultimately resulting in high-purity Glucomannan. The dry content of KGM is 90% odorless, high in viscosity, and looks like a transparent gel.
Konjac is a high alkaline food,which can be beneficial to those who have meats or other high acidic foods in their diets. By eating konjac, one can reach the food acid/ alkaline balance that the body needs; making it beneficial to human health.
Eight human body functions and Konjac
The main active ingredient in konjac food is glucomannan; it does not remain in the stomach upon eating to digest, which allows it to be effective in the absorption of cholesterol and bile acid, thus allowing it to inhibit the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acid. Since it cannot be absorbed with saliva due to pancreatic amylase hydrolysis digestion and absorption, gluconmannan is able to offer the following bodily benefits: lipid-lowering, blood pressure lowering, stomach cleansing abilities, constipation alleviation, prevention of cancer and other functions.
Due to the benefits of KGM, the digestive tract, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hemorrhoids, weight loss, and one’s beauty among other things can profoundly benefit.
Detoxification of its abundant plant cellulose, active bowel function assists in speeding up the excretion of the body of harmful toxins,as well as preventing, and reducing the incidence of intestinal disease lesions.
The well respected Chinese and Hong Kong sports community believe that a diet consisting of low caloric intake, without deliberate dieting, can help one achieve their ideal weight.
Laxatives found in grapes that contain the rich mannan, effectively stimulate the intestinal wall, keep the intestines healthy, control hemorrhoids, (in Japan they like to call KGM the, “‘intestinal scavenger’ or ‘iron rake sweep reputation.’“)
Clean the stomach:
Large amounts of soluble plant fiber are required to clean the stomach in order to promote gastric motility. Mannan can reduce the harmful substances in the stomach and improve the retention time to effectively protect the gastric mucosa, hence allowing the stomach to be cleaned.
Disease prevention:
Results in a medical study revealed that natural mannan inhibited disease prevention. The mannan fully demonstrated features that indicated: cholesterol lowering properties, lowering blood fat, lowering blood sugar, dilation of blood vessels, prevention of arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases; overall the study indicated that with the presence of Mannan, there was a longevity effect on the bodily functions that were studied.
Anti-diabetes: The anti-diabetic plant konjac fiber has been medically proven to increase blood insulin, lower blood sugar, prevent and treat diabetes.
Balanced salt:
Salt balance or equilibrium can be regulated with Konjac. The daily recommended human intake for salt should not exceed 10 grams.
Konjac food naturally contains about 43 milligrams of calcium per serving, more importantly; it contains elements of highly soluble calcium that is easily absorbed by the body. One serving of Konjac Pasta, an equivalent to 250 grams per serving contains 20% of the daily value recommended for  calciam