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Scutellaria extract powder baicalin


Lishizhen is a well know Chinese ancient doctor.When he was sixteen, he suddenly acutely ill and coughing all day,long time unhealed. Hundreds of miles of doctors are helpless and said its incurable. From the village came a distant wandering priests, he said that he need take Scutellaria 30g add water to decoct for half a month, than he would be cure. After half a month, miracle comes! Lishizhen refund fever, cough, phlegm symptoms disappeared, the body gradually recovered. It is Scutellaria that actually played a therapeutic effect immediate.

Scutellaria(Latin name: Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi) is is a perennial herb belong to Labiatae Scutellaria. Scutellaria wild growth in hilltop, hillside, forest margins, roadsides and other sunny dry place. Scutellaria is mainly distributed in the main producing areas of eastern Inner Mongolia Province and northeast China provinces, such as Hebei Chengde, Inner Mongolia Chifeng, and several of the largest areas, which is one of the main origin of Chinese herbal medicines wild in northern China.

Baicalin is extracted from scutellaria root, which is a light yellow fine powder, conventional specifications of 85%; 90%. Scutellaria extract powder baicalin have many functions, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, protecting liver and gallbladder,reducing blood pressure, diuretic, sedative and antipyretic . It is mainly used for infection. hepatitis, acute biliary tract infection, lead poisoning, detoxification, chest tightness, Hyperactivity cough.

Main Function-Scutellaria extract powder baicalin
1, Anti-inflammatory: arthritis and other inflammatory inhibition.
2. Antibacterial: As to clinical antimicrobial; scutellaria extract powder baicalin is better than berberine , and no resistance.
3. Diuretic: Baicalin injected intravenously in anesthetized rabbits can increase urine output, and injected intravenously in mice and anesthetized dogs and also have a diuretic effect.
4, Other main fuction: Scutellaria extract powder baicalin can protect liver and gallbladder;reduce blood pressure, be sedative and antipyretic .