Extract Powder
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Something you have to know about Kalmegh Extract Powder


The main active inngredient of Kalmegh Extract Powder is Andrographolides. They have manybenefits for human beings.
Kalmegh Extract Powder Andrographolides can inhibit and delay the high body temperature caused by pneumococcus and beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Kalmegh Extract Powder Andrographolide have some antipyretic effect, and they can delay the rising time of temperature , weaken the rising degree of body temperature.
Kalmegh Extract Powder Andrographolides can inhibit E. coli and leukocyte migration inhuman’s body.
Kalmegh Extract Powder can improve the ability of peripheral blood leukocytes in vitro phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus. The reports shows that cancer patients, sick ones or healthy people who use Kalmegh Extract Powder can enhance the hypersensitivity of skin delayed make caused by old tuberculin.
Kalmegh Extract Powder flavonoids can significantly reduce myocardial uptake rate of ytterbium rats and they have a protective effects on myocardial injury and experimental myocardial ischemic injury caused by isoproterenol have a protective effect.
Kalmegh Extract Powder has no influence on the nicotinic receptor activity, while showing significant muscarinic effects, which may be the mechanism of action of anti-venom.
Kalmegh Extract Powder has anti-inflammatory detoxification, it has been applied to a variety of clinical infectious diseases, including trauma, infection, boils, carbuncle, erysipelas, upper respiratory tract infection, acute and chronic tonsillitis, acute and chronic pharyngitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, acute dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, urinary tract infection, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, otitis media, periodontitis, etc., have varying degrees of efficacy. They can bemade into capsules and tablets.