Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder

Something You Have to Know about Pineapple Bromelain Enzyme Extract Powder


Bromelain is a protein extract derived from the stems of pineapples, although it exists in all parts of the fresh plant and fruit. The pineapple extract has a history of folk medicine use. As a culinary ingredient, it may be used as a meat tenderizer.

Although tested in a variety of folk medicine and research models for its possible efficacy against diseases, the only approved clinical application for bromelain was issued in 2012 by the European Medicines Agency for a topical medication called NexoBrid used to remove dead tissue in severe skin burns. There is no other established application for bromelain as a nutraceutical or drug.
Along with papain, bromelain is one of the most popular proteases to use for meat tenderizing. Bromelain is sold in a powdered form, which is combined with a marinade, or directly sprinkled on the uncooked meat.

Cooked or canned pineapple does not have a tenderizing effect, as the enzymes are heat-labile and destroyed in the cooking process. Some prepared meat products, such as meatballs and commercially available marinades, include pineapple and/or pineapple-derived ingredients.

Although the quantity of bromelain in a typical serving of pineapple fruit is probably not significant, specific extractioncan yield sufficient quantities for domestic and industrial processing, including uses in baking, anti-browning of cut fruit, textiles and cosmetics manufacturing.