Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder

Spirulina Powder


Spirulina powder is rich in protein, up to 60-70%, more abundant than on the general concept of food and nutrition than soybeans, beef, eggs, etc. also several times higher.
Spirulina powder is rich in β carrots Su, 15 times carrots, spinach 40-60 times.
Spirulina powder is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B11, B12, C, E. B vitamins variety, and each with special physiological function, the lack of any kind which are likely to cause disease.
Spirulina powder contains a variety of essential trace elements, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, iron, copper, zinc, iron deficiency can cause anemia, zinc deficiency can lead to dysplasia; selenium can activate DNA repair enzymes, immunoglobulins and stimulate the production of antibodies, to capture free radicals, reduced toxicity in vivo or resistance to certain metals, inhibiting the carcinogenic effects of some carcinogens. Selenium can prevent altitude sickness.
Spirulina powder contains chlorophyll A, the net has its own unique blood hematopoietic function.
Spirulina powder contains high γ-linolenic acid, can promote calcium absorption, enhance immunity and prevent metabolic disorders and prevent aging functions.
Spirulina polysaccharide with anti-radiation function, and by enhancing immunity, indirectly inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Also Spirulina polysaccharide can enhance the activity of SOD in plasma and reduce the generation of lipid peroxides, have anti-aging effect.