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Stevia leaf extract, in addition to sugar, but also antioxidant?


 It is well known that the stevioside extracted from stevia leaves is a natural, high-calorie sweetener that has been widely used in the food and beverage industry and has become more detailed. Today, the world's first antioxidant commercial stevia leaves extract is also coming soon, which for food and beverage manufacturers who can be described as a major initiative.
The world's first commercial stevia leaf antioxidant
This antioxidant stevia leaf is the latest innovation from PureCircle, headquartered in Malaysia. As the world's leading producer and distributor of high-purity stevioside raw materials, Spectra uses the power of this leafy plant to continually promote the positive development of the food and beverage industry, allowing brands to use natural and without sacrificing sweet taste Option to provide consumers with healthier products, while reducing the heat. At this year's IFT annual meeting, Spectrum Division released the world's first commercial use of stevia leaves antioxidants, and decided to be officially put into use in 2018 market.
Stevia leaves native to South America, with natural sweetness, from which you can extract sweetener sweeteners, to help food manufacturers to produce low calorie or even zero calorie products.
In fact, research has long been found in stevia leaves this plant in the presence of antioxidant ingredients, but has not developed its commercial use. Although some researchers have known the antioxidant properties of stevia leaves, however, only in the global spectrum of the company through a unique extraction and purification process to separate these antioxidants, get the first commercial antioxidant products, which Is the industry's first.
Spectrum Division believes that the release of new products will lead to many concerned about the health of consumers of food manufacturers and brand enterprises concerned.
Antioxidant effect is much higher than coffee beans extract and green tea
"The main antioxidant ingredient in the stevia leaves is chlorogenic acid, which is also known as the antioxidant component of the well-known green coffee bean extract," said Carolyn Clark, Global Marketing & Innovation Director at Spectrum at IFT. , The chlorogenic acid accounts for about 1.5% of the dry weight of leaves in stevia leaves, while the most common stevioside Reb A content in stevia leaves is about six times that of chlorogenic acid.Although chlorogenic acid content is much smaller than Reb A, but it can be separated and taken advantage of it is also of great value and significance.In addition, it also means that Spectra can maximize the use of stevia leaves to produce more functional products, reduce the past may be wasted leaves. "
Clark also talked about the antioxidant effect of the components of stevia leaves. The oxygen free radical absorption capacity of chlorogenic acid extracted from stevia leaves (an antioxidant capacity index, the higher the value, the stronger the antioxidant capacity) was 9000 μ mol TE / 100 g, much higher than the coffee bean extract (ORAC 2500 μ mol TE / 100 g). Common blueberries have an ORAC of 9621 μ mol TE / 100 g, 9090 μl TE / 100 g of cranberry, and 1253 μm TE / 100 g for green tea. (Data from the US Department of Agriculture database of specific foods in the oxygen free radical absorption capacity).
Antioxidant effects will become a new selling point for stevia leaves extract products
Foodaily understands that Spectra hopes to get GRAS certification in 2018 (the US FDA evaluates the safety indicators of food additives, generally perceived as safe, and is generally considered safe), and then successfully opens up the anti-oxidation products of stevia leaves in food and beverages The application of the way.
At present, this antioxidant ingredient can be used in the field of dietary supplements because the sorghum leaf antioxidants are originally isolated and purified from the stevia leaf extract and thus can be applied directly to diets without the need to apply for new dietary supplements Food, save the tedious steps.
At the same time, Clark also said that Spectra will also strive to establish the scale of commercial production of antioxidant ingredients, and this antioxidant as a separate commodity and other stevioside sweeteners listed on the same market. Stevia leaves antioxidants derived from natural plants, not only taste mild taste, but also has the characteristics of clean labels. There are some similar plant antioxidant ingredients appear on the market, but there are some shortcomings are not long enough, it is fortunate that the technical experts of the SEC team successfully collaborated on the development of this disruptive stevia leaf antioxidant.
At present, Spectra has provided some customers with samples of stevia leaves antioxidants, the product is still in the trial and testing phase, is expected to be the first in 2018 will be released in the United States, and soon will soon landed in the European market. Although the regulatory authority will approve the product's annotated name, Spectra hopes to name it "Stevia Leaf Extract (Antioxidant)".
Similar to the super-food, the stevia leaf extract is rich in nutrients, has significant health benefits, effective antioxidant products in the product, can inhibit the free radicals and play a role in the body from free radicals caused by the body and cell damage.
Mintel's data analysis also shows that the number of products with antioxidant claims has increased by 18 percent over the past five years, as consumer demand for healthy lifestyles has grown.
"Sweet star leaves, as an antioxidant, not only help food and beverage companies bring more health benefits to consumers, but also can be as unique as some super foods," said Faith Son, vice president of marketing & innovation at Spectrum. But the quality of flavor and taste.Although the stevia leaves contain antioxidant ingredients, but can be effectively extracted and used, this is a major commercial progress.
Earlier this year, Cypress completed a $ 42 million plant expansion in Stevia Leaf in Malaysia to double the yield of Stevia Leaf Extract to meet the growing demand for stevia leaves in the global market.