Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder

Tamarind Extract powder



 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) optimum growth at high temperature, long sunshine, dry climate, wet and dry seasons distinct areas. Tamarind soil conditions are not very strict, loose in texture, more fertile subtropical red soil, brick red soil and sandy alluvial soil could grow well developed, and in the growth and development of clay and barren soil is poor.

Tamarind propagation resistance, fast growth, results of early seedling trees from 3 to 5 years old to bear fruit, 7-8 years old into the flourishing economic life for 60 years, the life expectancy of up to several hundred years.

 Food Uses:

 Tamarind(Tamarind Extract) is used as food in various ways. In Bahamas, the fully-grown, but still unripe fruits, called "swells" are roasted in coals until they burst and the skin is then peeled back and the sizzling pulp dipped in wood ashes and eaten. The fully ripe, fresh fruit is relished out-of-hand by children and adults, alike. 

 Tamarind beverage, made from shelled fruits has long been a popular drink in the Tropics and it is now bottled in carbonated form in Europe or the United States and elsewhere. 

 The oil extracted from the seeds is said to be palatable and have culinary quality. Tamarind seeds have been used in a limited way as emergency food. They are roasted, soaked to remove the seedcoat, then boiled or fried, or ground to a flour or starch. Roasted seeds are ground and used as a substitute for coffee. In Thailand they are sold for this purpose.

 Medicinal Uses:

 It is administered to alleviate sunstroke, digitalis poisoning, and alcoholic intoxication. The pulp is said to aid the restoration of sensation in cases of paralysis.

 The fruit shells are burned and reduced to an alkaline ash, which enters into medicinal formulas. 

The powdered seeds and seeds coat are astringent and made into a paste for drawing boils and, with or without cumin seeds and palm sugar, are prescribed for chronic diarrhea and dysentery. An infusion of the roots is believed to have curative value in chest complaints and is an ingredient in prescriptions for leprosy.